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28 Results
Either Way You Win Big
How and When to Take the Plunge
“Huge!”, “ Truly 3-D!”, “Wraparound Sound!”
HT-Air MKII Wraps Your Theatre Around You
Somewhere in Heaven, Ray Dolby is Smiling Down on Us
REL 3D, How Theatre was Always SUPPOSED to Be. Full Range, Every Channel.
T/7x: Bass, Perfectly Balanced
If Momma Bear Designed a Subwoofer
Activate Your Active Speakers
Making KEF’s LS-50 Active Speakers Come Alive
Klipsch and High Efficiency Explained
Why they REALLY need a REL
DSP Versus Analog Filters
Why Taking the Easy Way Rarely Works
Serie T/x Video Overview
Covering T/9x, T/7x and T/5x
Why You Can't Stack T/x
The reasons only Serie S and Reference models are designed to be used in line arrays
Bring the Studio Home With REL
Experience the fidelity, quality and passion of live music in the comfort of your home
T/7x Video Overview
The Practically Perfect REL