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Serie T/x Video Overview

Covering T/9x, T/7x and T/5x

Serie T/x Video Overview

T/9x: Bigger AND Better

The job of any range topper for REL is to deliver more of everything, particularly output and dynamics. The 9x is no different in this regard, as it delivers the goods in both music and theatre applications. 9x, however, delivers a level of intimacy, clarity and speed that means there are no longer trade-offs between the sonic balance of smaller models weighed against the power and scale of a model 9.

Learn more about T/9x

T/7x: The Practically Perfect REL

T/7x is, without reservation, one of the most-balanced RELs of all time. In order to achieve perfect balance, a sub must weigh speed against heft, while ensuring true extension-depth-and do so in a physically harmonious package. T/7x manages to make it all seem easy. Quick and delicate for a perfect blend, it can pound out exceptionally deep, tuneful bass that belies its size and plays louder than most will ever require.

Learn more about T/7x

T/5x: Designed for Elegance

Perfect for small and medium rooms, T/5x seats perfectly into any décor. Floor-firing is part of its secret; bass energy strikes the floor and spreads uniformly throughout the space making it perform like a larger model. For those picky about style, the hidden bonus is this design eliminates even the grill, rendering it the purest of forms.

Learn more about T/5x

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