Serie HT in White
Elegant Design Meets Deep Bass


Classic RELs:
Perfectly Powered for Any Room Size


Introducing Classic 99
Timeless Look. Legendary Bass


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Elevate Your Space

Serie HT Now Available in White

In interior design, white defines space and creates opportunity for the eye to travel. It is this duality that seems always to follow white. When applied to objects – simple, everyday objects like a subwoofer – white allows the object to ascend. From being an everyday tool, it becomes something special, a design element itself. Something iconic. REL has offered subwoofers in high gloss white for almost twenty years.

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Our Purpose

We make subwoofers. That’s it. Nothing else. No distractions. Nothing to steal our focus. No kidding ourselves that we can be good at everything. No trying to conquer the whole world. We just do our best to conquer our bit of it.

Each day we come in to work in pursuit of only one intention, to produce the most raw, perfect, pure sound possible, to capture the raw intention of the artist. We use the best quality materials, employ the most exacting construction requirements. We think of the problem holistically. We pursue the chase of the perfect experience of sound with an obsessive passion and vigor.

We do it because we love sound. We believe sound can move people more than any other sense. We believe it’s the integration of the bass via the perfect subwoofer that makes everything else better. And, ultimately, there is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained from doing this well, creating something of unique quality, such that you know it is going to inspire. It makes the hard work and the obsessing over each and every detail worth all the effort. That’s our reward.

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